Microsoft Project Intermediate
Duration: 1 Day
Module 1 - Managing Resources and Costs
Creating work, material and cost resources
Working with multiple calendars
Assigning resources
Effort Driven Scheduling
Task Types
Working with resource costs and fixed costs
Work contours
Working with the Team Planner
Identifying budget variance
Module 2 - Finalising the Plan
Reviewing the schedule
Levelling resource over-allocation
Module 3 - Tracking
Creating baselines
Entering project progress
Viewing variance information
Module 4 - Analyse and adjust a schedule
Analysing schedules
Reschedule the project
Adjustment of resource schedules
Progress lines
Module 5- Filters and sort
Add new columns
Working with auto filters
Applying built-in filters
Sorting and grouping data
Module 6 - Manage multiple projects
Consolidating and sharing projects
Resource pools: Sharing resources across projects
Levelling and reporting across multiple projects
Module 7 - Exchange project data
Import, export and copy data from Microsoft Excel
Enhanced copy and paste
Copy Picture