Microsoft Excel Introduction
Duration: 1 Day
Managing the worksheet environment
Navigate through a worksheet
Hot keys, name box
Print a worksheet or workbook
Printing only selected worksheets; printing an entire workbook; constructing headers and footers; applying printing options (scale, print titles, page setup, print area, gridlines)
Personalise environment by using Backstage
Creating cell data
Construct cell data
Using paste special (formats, formulas, values, preview icons, transpose rows and columns, operations, comments, validation, paste as a link); cutting, moving and selecting cell data
Apply AutoFill
Copying data using AutoFill; filling series using AutoFill; copying or preserving cell format with AutoFill; selecting from drop-down list
Apply and manipulate hyperlinks
Creating a hyperlink in a cell; modifying hyperlinks; modifying hyperlinked-cell attributes; removing a hyperlink
Formatting cells and worksheets
Apply and modify cell formats
Aligning cell content; applying a number format; wrapping text in a cell; using Format Painter
Merge or split cells
Using Merge & Centre, Merge Across, Merge Cells, and Unmerge Cells
Create row and column titles
Printing row and column headings; printing rows to repeat with titles; printing columns to repeat with titles; configuring titles to print only on odd or even pages; configuring titles to skip the first worksheet page
Hide and unhide rows and columns
Hiding a column; unhiding a column; hiding a series of columns; hiding a row; unhiding a row; hiding a series of rows
Manipulate page setup options for worksheets
Configuring page orientation; managing page scaling; configuring page
margins; changing header and footer size
Create and apply cell styles
Applying cell styles; constructing new cell styles
Managing worksheets and workbooks
Create and format worksheets
Inserting worksheets; deleting worksheets; copying, repositioning, copying and moving, renaming, grouping; applying colouring to worksheet tabs; hiding worksheet tabs; unhiding worksheet tabs
Manipulate window views
Splitting window views; arranging window views; opening a new window with contents from the current worksheet • Manipulate workbook views
Using Normal, Page Layout and Page Break workbook views; creating custom views
Applying formulas and functions
Create formulas
Using basic operators; revising formulas
Enforce precedence
Order of evaluation, precedence using parentheses, precedence of operators for per cent vs. exponentiation
Apply cell references in formulas
Relative, absolute
Apply conditional logic in a formula
Creating a formula with values that match your conditions; editing defined conditions in a formula; using a series of conditional logic values in a formula
Apply named ranges in formulas
Defining, editing and renaming a named range
Apply cell ranges in formulas
Entering a cell range definition in the formula bar; defining a cell range using the mouse; defining a cell range using a keyboard shortcut
Presenting data visually
Create charts based on worksheet data
Apply and manipulate charts and graphs