Microsoft Excel Introduction

Duration: 1 Day

Managing the worksheet environment

  • Navigate through a worksheet

  • Hot keys, name box

  • Print a worksheet or workbook

  • Printing only selected worksheets; printing an entire workbook; constructing headers and footers; applying printing options (scale, print titles, page setup, print area, gridlines)

  • Personalise environment by using Backstage

Creating cell data

  • Construct cell data

  • Using paste special (formats, formulas, values, preview icons, transpose rows and columns, operations, comments, validation, paste as a link); cutting, moving and selecting cell data

  • Apply AutoFill

  • Copying data using AutoFill; filling series using AutoFill; copying or preserving cell format with AutoFill; selecting from drop-down list

  • Apply and manipulate hyperlinks

  • Creating a hyperlink in a cell; modifying hyperlinks; modifying hyperlinked-cell attributes; removing a hyperlink

Formatting cells and worksheets

  • Apply and modify cell formats

  • Aligning cell content; applying a number format; wrapping text in a cell; using Format Painter

  • Merge or split cells

  • Using Merge & Centre, Merge Across, Merge Cells, and Unmerge Cells

  • Create row and column titles

  • Printing row and column headings; printing rows to repeat with titles; printing columns to repeat with titles; configuring titles to print only on odd or even pages; configuring titles to skip the first worksheet page

  • Hide and unhide rows and columns

  • Hiding a column; unhiding a column; hiding a series of columns; hiding a row; unhiding a row; hiding a series of rows

Manipulate page setup options for worksheets

  • Configuring page orientation; managing page scaling; configuring page

  • margins; changing header and footer size

  • Create and apply cell styles

  • Applying cell styles; constructing new cell styles

Managing worksheets and workbooks

  • Create and format worksheets

  • Inserting worksheets; deleting worksheets; copying, repositioning, copying and moving, renaming, grouping; applying colouring to worksheet tabs; hiding worksheet tabs; unhiding worksheet tabs

  • Manipulate window views

  • Splitting window views; arranging window views; opening a new window with contents from the current worksheet • Manipulate workbook views

  • Using Normal, Page Layout and Page Break workbook views; creating custom views

Applying formulas and functions

  • Create formulas

  • Using basic operators; revising formulas

  • Enforce precedence

  • Order of evaluation, precedence using parentheses, precedence of operators for per cent vs. exponentiation

  • Apply cell references in formulas

  • Relative, absolute

  • Apply conditional logic in a formula

  • Creating a formula with values that match your conditions; editing defined conditions in a formula; using a series of conditional logic values in a formula

  • Apply named ranges in formulas

  • Defining, editing and renaming a named range

  • Apply cell ranges in formulas

  • Entering a cell range definition in the formula bar; defining a cell range using the mouse; defining a cell range using a keyboard shortcut

Presenting data visually

  • Create charts based on worksheet data

  • Apply and manipulate charts and graphs